TSFR’s fields of participation are:

  • Space Research (Virtual Reality, Protocols, Spatialisation, data management, imaging, innovative materials )

  • Biomedical solutions for Clinical Governance (Telemedicine, aquisition and analysis ob biomedical signal, experimental setup and equipments design, imaging)

  • Innovative Technologies (Antennas, Metamaterials, wireless communications)

  • Technology Transfer Projects (up-stream, down-stream)

TSFR tends to persecute a high level of specialization. His aim is to reach the ability to operate in the proper and faster way in order to adopt new advanced research models, made by laboratories or tested environments, to the present needs of market contest. Technology transfer needs a multilevel knowledge, such as technical-scientific or socio-economic knowledge, in order to be effective and to apply scientific models to the specific patient’s environment.

TSFR’s team is everyday involved with passion in some important projects regarding Space Biomedicine and Telemedicine, participating in a network of scientific agencies composed by the major Biomedical Companies. His purpose is to obtain a tangible improvement of the Healing system according to the rules of the Clinical Governance.

The actual projects imply activities in organization of the Health Service, planning of integrating systems for home assistance, planning of innovative sensory systems for bio-medic signals, definition of algorithms for the elaboration of bio-medic signals.

In the scientific field TSFR is involved in the study of real-time acquisitions, virtual reality, imaging and micro-technology.


Our team is formed by high qualified profiles, graduates and post graduates employers with different trainings: we have both Engineers, Physicists and Economists. The skills varied from the technology field to the advice one.

TSFR founds his organization upon a fundamental element: a tight interaction between all his areas; his teams (solutions, technology, strategy and creativity experts) had to speack the same language and work for the same purpose. TSFR’s teams had to have such flexibility to be able to transform ideas in business plan as fast as they can with precision and concreteness. All the part of a complex project interact with each other: a “project integration culture” is based on a multidisciplinary and multicultural integration as on definition of responsibilities and immediate involvement of the entire professional characters needed.